Thursday 22 September 2016

Non-Working Benefit

When I woke up in the morning, I got a nasty shock: my voice turned hoarse.

My cough intensified.

I had wanted to skip the doctor's visit - to skip taking medicine, but it looked like it was impossible.

So off to the doctor's I went.

As my medicine was dispensed, it dawned on me that a proper rest would never have been possible if I were working. 

I would be given one pathetic day of MC and would have to continue to work like a dog even when I am unwell.

Because I am on leave, I don't have to worry about colleagues gossiping behind my back, speculating that I am feigning ill to escape work.

Because I am on leave, I don't have to be pressured to 'will myself' to get well quickly.

Because I am on leave, I don't have to skip my medication to avoid being drowsy at work.

Because I am on leave, I am able to make sure I rest whenever I need to or feel like.

I foresee myself struggling with the finances in the months ahead but what luxury it is to be on no-pay leave!

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