Tuesday 5 August 2014

404 Mei Ling Street Dream

I dreamt about something that was totally out of the blue.

I dreamt that after visiting my father at the hospital, I was about to walk out of the lift lobby when I was at a place called Mei Ling Road. It had three blocks of yellow and white flats. The old type of flats built many years ago with spacious area in front.

It was a busy walking area.

The moment passers-by walked through, the people living in the flats would throw food down to attract hordes and hordes of pigeons that rained down from the sky, and these pigeons would attack the passers-by by pecking at them, causing a lot of fear in the people.

I took note of one of the block numbers: 404.

When I woke up, I thought it really unusual.

Why would I dream about Mei Ling Road? And where is this place?

So I googled for 404 Mei Ling Road. It turned out that there was a 404 Mei Ling Street somewhere in Queenstown, but apparently a very inaccessible area for public transport.

Now that I think about it, having colours in dreams are unusual as well. I dream a lot, and my dreams don't have colours. But this dream has.

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