Friday 9 September 2011

Pay Review Dream

I dreamt that the ministerial pay review was completed.

But it was an unsatisfactory one. Many were cursing and swearing at the result.

The review committee decided that most ministers deserve their huge pay bracket. Only a few ministers' pay ought to be brought down by an insignificant amount.

It was especially shocking when the verdict was that the review ought to be on a ministry-by-ministry basis: some ministries are more important than others, and the 'others' obviously do not deserve the same kind of pay.

Of these ministries, Education was one of them - the least important. So the civil servants in that ministry had to take a pay-cut across the board. I could remember how distinct my sense of shock was!

Fortunately, it was a dream.

But back to the actual pay review, I thought it peculiar that it's taking such a long time. In fact, as the news goes, the review will only be completed by the end of this year. Are the people in this committee being paid extra for the review they have to conduct? Or are they like teachers who are involved in many committees but receiving the original pay? It was set up since May. It certainly takes a long time to review a group of people's pay.

More than half a year allocated to a job to be done, I wonder what the public would say if teachers were to take the same amount of time to complete a job.

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