Tuesday 4 January 2011

A Paint Job on New Year's Day

We have always wanted to change the colour of the TV wall ever since Mark Lee ordered it to be painted dark brown during the Home Survivor episode more than four years ago.

However, I for one knew that a paint job was not as easy as it seemed. I had done it before for my parents' place and I swore to myself never to do a DIY paint job ever again. My siblings and parents did up the place on our own, even the cornice, more than 10 years ago. I still remember sorely how the cornice plaster stung my palms all over.

Recently, William asked if I wanted to change the colour of the wall. At first, I was reluctant as he was one who sat on the job and would leave it half done, like our gate. He painted it half-way, and left it there for days. My father saw it unfinished and he completed it on William's behalf to spare us the embarrassing sight of a half-done gate.

Then on New Year's morning, I asked William if he really wanted to paint it over. Once he said yes, I pestered him to go buy the paint. I decided on a light beige colour coded 'Lace' by Nippon eventually.

I was amazed by how technology had advanced, even for a paint-mixing machine. I'd wished I had brought my camera along. The guy at Home Fix Store keyed in 'Lace' on his computer and some coloured paints dripped into a tin of white paint. After that, he transferred the pail of paint into an oven-lookalike. The machine then shook the pail of paint up and down vigorously for about 10 seconds. And viola! The paint became 'Lace'!

The 'Before' pic - dark wall resulting in a dark living room
Baby tried playing with the roller

"What's that camera click I heard?"

"I always smile for the camera!"

First coat of white paint to cover the dark wall
Second coat of white paint
The painting of 'Lace'
Done with the TV wall
We decided to paint the balcony walls as well

The actual colour of 'Lace'. William changed the warm cove lights to white fluorescent, and reduced 4 lights to 1. Now it's not so glaring anymore.
We also decided to paint over the flower wall to see the effect of having another wall being beige

We took 1.5 days to do the painting. It was not as difficult as I had thought it would be (phew!). Perhaps the paint's superior quality did help.

Now the living room gets brightened up by the lighter shade of colour in the day. We love it!

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