Sunday 20 July 2008


A friend was just telling me last Thursday that the school tracks the websites we surf and the print jobs we send.

It freaks me out. I blog and go on the forum in school. I can't help but wonder if my boss already saw what I blog about or grouse online.

She said that an ex-colleague who resigned last year had been 'caught' selling things on ebay during 'office hours'.

I find it ironic that they used the term 'office hours' since we don't have a fixed hour except that 7am - 1pm hours. Or does being in school compound mean that we are still at 'office hours'?

What's the rationale of tracking websites and printjobs? If there's any cost incurred, I'd appreciate a working laptop. I can't access the intranet nor use a thumbdrive on my laptop because the USB port is spoilt.

Alright. I need to get ready now. It's Sharon's wedding today. :)

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