Friday 21 March 2008

Nausea time

I've been feeling horrible.

Lots of phlegm which gets stuck at the upper part of the throat. They make me feel nauseous and yet I can't get them out for good.

I don't eat well. Everything seems to be greasy and oily. The greasy smell makes me feel nauseous as well.

I used to be a big fan of rice, but now I don't eat rice very much. It tastes bland and has to go with something else which is usually greasy and oily, which makes me nauseous.

Yesterday, we had to recce the zoo for the two-day excursion next week. I found myself getting tired easily and short-breathed. I hope all will go well for the two-day trip next week.

Oh yes, I've constipation. Very often. It's a painful process trying to get those rock-hard matter out of the rear hole. I actually squatted on the sitting toilet bowl to try to get it going. Last night, I had to bring one of the 'rocks' to bed because it refused to budge. I drank some water and had an apple before it finally came out this morning.

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