Wednesday 2 January 2008

First day of school

School's just ended for the morning session.

The future doesn't look promising. I got a kid who's stubborn as a mule, refuses to communicate with me and doesn't listen to what I say. He openly defied me by doing the opposite of what I asked him to do. With me is his bag. He had refused to follow me to the staffroom and struggled to get my hand off his back. I ended up with a bag in my hand and had to lug it back to my cubicle.

I think he saw through me that I'm actually not fierce. I can't scold him like a particular teacher could, who left him in tears. He simply ignored me.

I'm at quite a loss with him.


Overall, the class is quite pleasant, save for this wretch. I knew I might have problems with him, but I didn't expect it to happen on the first day.

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