Thursday 1 November 2007

Piano versus Studies

I'm still struggling over old versus new piano. Deep within my heart, I would like the new piano. Yet, I'm not sure if it's worth the high price - I'm not even sure how long Coco's interest in piano would last. Even as I type this, I'm starting to be swayed towards the used piano, basically because it's $5,000 cheaper. For someone who's study loan is still outstanding, perhaps I shouldn't be so ambitious. And like what they say, Coco's ears are still untrained. The more important thing is to let her have a piano to practise on. After she's acquired the piano skills, she might become discerning on the kind of sounds she likes, rather than just the brand. $3,600 is a rather comfortable price for me, and I don't have to blow my year-end bonus on top of my monthly pay to get it.

On the other hand, I'm having second thoughts about letting Coco take up piano. She didn't do as well as expected for her English paper. It makes me rethink if I really should plunge ourselves into yet another long term commitment - on top of ballet, and perhaps swimming.

As far as I know, piano requires constant, if not daily practices. And you're just talking about the practical aspect of it. The theory aspect would eat into her studying time as well. Come to think of it, it's quite daunting to imagine the kinda messages regarding priorities I am sending to her.

William was asking me to think about the people who do well in their studies and others who take up piano. I guess he is quite right, that people I know who play piano don't really go very far in their studies. I can't recall anyone who plays piano going to a local university. I'm not saying there isn't any, but I believe such people are quite few and far in between. And it's not hard to understand why. Piano is time-consuming.

I'm exploring another option, that I'll let Coco learn piano till P2 or 3, and put the lessons on hold till she completes her PSLE. Like all other matters, I'll think this over.

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