Thursday 15 November 2007

Home Decor Survivor Update

Home Decor Survivor called me!!!
They wanted to come and do the filming this coming Monday and Saturday, but William couldn't make it. They said that they will make another arrangement.
I'm quite sure they will take us as one of the contestants. However, like William, I honestly don't think that our chances of winning is high. Primarily because our flat layout is not very ideal. Our study and kitchen entrances are exposed and our study is in such a mess.
William even started to make negative statements and tried to persuade me to withdraw from the contest - he's worried that we might have to incur extra expenditures instead of winning and he doesn't want to appear on TV. My father was with me and he said that we shouldn't withdraw since we've come so far and are picked from more than a hundred interviewees.
He sort of agreed not to withdraw in the end.

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