Friday 28 September 2007

Talk about racial discrimination

I have this horrible feeling that my VP hates me.

I'm usually not a sensitive person. In fact, I'm really dense and can't take hints. However, I have this 'sixth sense' or a special antennae that tells me someone doesn't like me when it happens.

From the very first dress code incident to the recent one, she has 'subtly' criticised my dressing from bottom to top (yeah, not 'top to bottom').
Within my first two weeks in the school, she'd asked my mentor to tell me that I ought not to wear slippers to school. Nevermind if it's fake diamond-studded slippers and if my feet are covered with plasters and Melolin because my high heeled shoes bit into my skin on my big toe, last two toes and heels.

Then in the following months, she got another senior teacher to tell me that 'some of my skirts' are 'too short'. It must have been that Urban skirt which has two front flaps that made her say that because I saw her staring at my skirt when I went out of the school gate while she was there. But strangely, the skirt in pink version is of an acceptable length when it's on the Consortium Head.

Just a couple of days ago, my Reporting Officer told me that 'they' (reads: VP) asked her to tell me that a particular blouse that I was wearing was 'too short'. $@%&*!!! Excuse me! I'm an 'S' ok! And my body is longer than a usual 'S' size! And 'S' sized blouse tend to be shorter. Do you expect me to wear 'M' for the sake of its length? Stupid woman!

In view of all these incidents, I can't help but believe that she's out to make life difficult for me. Today, I wore a long white dress. I got a hunch that she'd get somebody to tell me that my dress is translucent.

I'm so sick of these senseless criticisms. She's just scrutinising me so that she could pick my faults. Is that racial discrimination or not!

And I'm only here for barely 5 months. How can I put up with all these nonsense for another 1 year and 7 months?

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